7. Increase study adherence

Healint’s have demonstrated an exceptionally low drop out rate. We make every effort to keep participant’s motivation do stay in the study. Incentive is decided with the sponsor, but it is not even the major driver. We develop a whole set of reminders and motivational messages to keep the participants’ engagement. We assist them whenever needed.


A satisfied patient completes the study

We develop a whole set of actions to keep participant’s motivation and ensure they complete the study.

Participants are engaged.

Our user interface shows a “task list” to the study participant. We use neuroscience-based techniques to increase satisfaction and motivation of the subject to complete their assigned tasks. Notification and reminders are tailored to the protocol needs. Messages can be generic or personalized for each participant depending on their situation.

The techniques (algorithm- or human-based) we used have demonstrated a strong positive impact on subject compliance and retention. Depending on the need, the sponsor, the CRO, or even our own teams are either available upon request and/or proactively contact the patients when our AI detects a risk of drop out. The subjects never feel they are left alone and considered as lab rats. They are looked after.

Everybody knows that engagement comes with a sense of purpose. We always make sure every participants understands the big picture of the study they are part of. They really feel involved, and that is the best of incentives.

Additional monetary incentives also encourages subjects to remain in a study, especially if the study is over a few months or even years. Healint’s team will advise on the incentive amount, frequency, percentage distribution to maximise the effectiveness of per dollar spent.